Tell Us

At Abertay, we have zero tolerance for sexual violence, discrimination, abuse, bullying, harassment or racism.


If something concerning has happened to you or someone you know, you can tell us here.


Reporting Options:

By making an anonymous report, you will not be identified. Your report will allow us to gather data on incidents from students, staff, or visitors to campus and will provide Abertay with valuable information so we can improve students' experiences on and off campus.

Please note that we will be unable to offer 1-1 support from our advisers and you will not instigate an internal complaint or investigation process. At the end of this report, you will be given a reference number which you can take note of, should you change your mind and wish to receive further support from a trained adviser.

Click here to Report Anonymously


By reporting to a student adviser, a trained professional will contact you to discuss what has happened. They can highlight support services and talk you through the formal processes you may want to access, including reporting to the police or discussing the University's disciplinary process.

Click here to report to a student adviser


Alternatively, you can choose to instigate a formal complaint. this is where allegations of misconduct will be considered and possible sanctions may be applied where such misconduct is proven. Please note that the University may report to the police any allegations of criminality if it believes that this will best serve the interests of the University community and wider public.

Click here to raise a Formal Complaint

Support Topics include:


Relationship Abuse

Relationship abuse (also referred to as 'domestic violence') can take many forms within an intimate relationship.

Behaviours include:

  • emotional and verbal abuse
  • physical and sexual abuse
  • financial abuse e.g. controlling or limiting access to money
  • sexual abuse and coercion e.g. ignoring you if you don't want to have sex
  • digital / online abuse
  • forced marriage and honour-based violence

Click below for more information and how to access support.


Relationship Abuse Topics

Hate Crime/Incident

Incidents of hate crime can be against a person or against property and includes materials posted online. Some examples of hate crime include:

  • Verbal abuse like name-calling and offensive jokes
  • Harassment
  • Bullying or intimidation by children, adults, neighbours or strangers
  • Physical attacks such as hitting, punching, pushing or spitting
  • Threats of violence


Hate Crime/Incident Topics

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can include any of the following behaviours:

  • Any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature;
  • Verbal harassment includes whistling, catcalling, sexual comments, sexual innuendo, telling sexual jokes, displaying pictures of a sexual nature, making sexual gestures, and sending emails containing sexual content.
  • ‘Revenge porn’ - the disclosing of private photographs and films with intent to cause distress.
  • Stalking which is persistent and unwanted attention (in person or online) which makes you feel fearful, harassed or anxious.

 Click below for more information and support.

Sexual Harassment Topics


Spiking incidents

Anyone who thinks they may have been 'spiked' by either a needle or drink are encouraged to make a report to the University or contact Police Scotland.

Read Spiking incidents

Police Silent Solution

If you’re in an emergency situation and need police help, but can’t speak, Make Yourself Heard and let the 999 operator know your call is genuine.

Read Police Silent Solution

Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images

Sharing, or threatening to share, intimate images without consent is a crime that can come with a five year prison sentence.

Read Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images

This site has been developed and informed by the Equally Safe Higher Education Toolkit, a free resource for Scottish universities to prevent gender-based violence on campus, funded by the Scottish Government and developed by an ESHE Project Team at the University of Strathclyde.

View the Equally Safe in Higher Education Toolkit.

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