Staff and Student Training

As a University, we want to educate, inform and empower our community to recognise signs of GBV, within our own behaviour and attitudes, as well as others’. 

An online training module, Consent on Campus, has been developed specifically to provide further information on matters pertaining to consent, abusive relationships, sexual assault, myth-busting, and the impact that such incidents can have on the lives of both victims and perpetrators. 

Even if you think you already understand the concept of Consent, it’s important that all of our students take a few minutes to complete the course.  

We also encourage students complete our Bystander Training module, which provides helpful information on how to respond to or intervene appropriately if you witness or experience any concerning behaviours. 

An online training module, Responding Appropriately to Disclosures of Sexual Violence, is available to staff via LearnUpon. This 15-minute, basic awareness module aims to equip participants with the tools and information required to sensitively handle any disclosures of sexual violence from a student or service user.  

We recommend that all of our staff takes the time to go through it, either for the first time or as a refresher. The training is of particular relevance to those in student-facing roles (who are more likely to be approached by a student on-campus or in halls of residence), however it is beneficial that everyone feels able to handle disclosures.


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